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  • Israel rebuff Obama's call on Nuke

    As with previous discussions of the possibility, Israeli officials today reacted negatively to yesterday’s comment by President Obama in support of seeing Israel join the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT).

  • NATO's Military fort v/s Russia-China

    On April 11, the day before the two-day Nuclear Security Summit held in Washington, DC, U.S. President Barack Obama met with his Kazakh counterpart Nursultan Nazarbayev and their deliberations resulted in the U.S. obtaining the right to fly troops and military equipment over (and later directly into) the territory of Kazakhstan for the escalating war in Afghanistan.

  • Analysis: The Caucasus Emirate

    On April 9, a woman armed with a pistol and with explosives strapped to her body approached a group of police officers in the northern Caucasus village of Ekazhevo, in the southern Russian republic of Ingushetia. The police officers were preparing to launch an operation to kill or capture militants in the area. The woman shot and wounded one of the officers, at which point other officers drew their weapons and shot the woman.

  • Afghan War: Khazakhstan allows U.S. flights

    WASHINGTON — Kazakhstan has agreed to let the United States fly troops and weapons over its territory, a deal that opens a direct and faster route over the North Pole for American forces and lethal equipment headed to Afghanistan.

  • Nato pay U.S. intel firm 'millions'

    ManTech Awarded $8.8M Contract from NATO to Support Analysis of Worldwide Operations . Will Support the Joint Analysis and Lessons Learned Centre in Monsanto, Portugal and Worldwide

Who Is Your God? A Banned Song in S. Africa

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A song composed and produced in protest against the human rights atrocities committed against the people of Gaza and Palestine and injustices committed all over the world where people have been forcibly removed from their land on the basis of being different or having different beliefs. The song questions the religious beliefs of those who kill others and justify their inhumane actions on the basis of religion, questioning the one who kills an innocent woman or child and asking why they are doing it and if they think we have different Gods. The song promotes the ideal of creating a better place for all where we can acknowledge and respect each others' differences, but more importantly we can turn our focus on how alike we are and start accepting that we all, as part of the human race, have the same claim to basic human rights such as land, shelter, medical care, love, education, employment, water, food. Let us stop hating, killing, humiliating each other and start loving each other as prescribed in the Torah, Bible and Quran. Would you like your family and children to be abused, humiliated and hurt? If not, then join us in a spiritual revolution of breaking the chain of ignorance, prejudice, war, crime, oppression, exploitation and media whose sole purpose it is to keep us from seeing the truth. Spread the message and help us to build peace instead of war, love instead of hate, safety instead of crime and abuse, education instead of illiteracy, creativity to promote mankind instead of technology aimed to mentally, emotionally and spiritually enslave us, start thinking

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Who Is Your God? A Banned Song in S. Africa
Wednesday, 28 October 2009

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