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  • Israel rebuff Obama's call on Nuke

    As with previous discussions of the possibility, Israeli officials today reacted negatively to yesterday’s comment by President Obama in support of seeing Israel join the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT).

  • NATO's Military fort v/s Russia-China

    On April 11, the day before the two-day Nuclear Security Summit held in Washington, DC, U.S. President Barack Obama met with his Kazakh counterpart Nursultan Nazarbayev and their deliberations resulted in the U.S. obtaining the right to fly troops and military equipment over (and later directly into) the territory of Kazakhstan for the escalating war in Afghanistan.

  • Analysis: The Caucasus Emirate

    On April 9, a woman armed with a pistol and with explosives strapped to her body approached a group of police officers in the northern Caucasus village of Ekazhevo, in the southern Russian republic of Ingushetia. The police officers were preparing to launch an operation to kill or capture militants in the area. The woman shot and wounded one of the officers, at which point other officers drew their weapons and shot the woman.

  • Afghan War: Khazakhstan allows U.S. flights

    WASHINGTON — Kazakhstan has agreed to let the United States fly troops and weapons over its territory, a deal that opens a direct and faster route over the North Pole for American forces and lethal equipment headed to Afghanistan.

  • Nato pay U.S. intel firm 'millions'

    ManTech Awarded $8.8M Contract from NATO to Support Analysis of Worldwide Operations . Will Support the Joint Analysis and Lessons Learned Centre in Monsanto, Portugal and Worldwide

US is broke due to cost of wars

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Wfol.tv was the very few first to state that the wars led by the US across the world against Muslims on the name of the war on terror was making the US weaker and destroying its economy. At that time, when we wrote an editorial on this issue, the rest of the world seemed to state that it was not true that the cost of wars were destroying the US economy. Today the beliefs have changed and even the Americans have started to see the truth. Wars are killing their economy. Hence they must campaign for No Nato, No Wars!

The US crowed about bankrupting the Soviet Union by engaging them in an arms race the USSR couldn't afford.

Just twenty years later, we're bankrupting ourselves in an entirely bogus "War on Terrorism."

And the band plays on.

Three trillion is real money.


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US is broke due to cost of wars
Friday, 27 November 2009

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