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  • New START treaty good for US missile defense

    -"Our targets will no longer be subject to START constraints, which limited our use of air-to-surface and waterborne launches of targets which are essential for a cost-effective testing of missile defense interceptor against medium-range and intermediate-range ballistic missiles in the Pacific region."

  • NATO To Launch Kandahar Offensive In June

    WASHINGTON: NATO forces will launch a major offensive in the Afghanistan city of Kandahar in June, sources told Fox News, part of a new war strategy that began earlier this year with the offensive in Marjah.

  • Russian-Ukrainian Navies Resume Joint Drills

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  • Czech Republic may host US missile shield

    Two elements of the US anti-missile shield, the radar and the anti-aircraft command center, may soon appear in the Czech Republic, the Czech News Agency CTK reported citing a source in the country’s ministry of defence. This information proves that Americans have not abandoned their missile plans in Europe. Russia has repeatedly voiced its concerns over this project but yet no progress has been achieved in negotiating the issue with the US.

  • Taliban Telegraphing Kandahar Buildup

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U.S. 'All options open' on Iran-N.Korea Nukes

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WASHINGTON: While the new U.S. Nuclear Posture Review removes some of the intentional ambiguity from the country's nuclear policy, "all options are on the table" for countries like North Korea and Iran, the Defense secretary said April 11, here.

In a round of interviews, Secretary Robert M. Gates, appearing alongside Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, also discussed the U.S. relationship with Afghan President Hamid Karzai, whose reliability has been called into question recently.

Unveiled last week, the Nuclear Posture Review states that the United States will not deploy or threaten use of nuclear weapons against a country that possesses no nuclear weapons of its own and complies with the nonproliferation treaty and its obligations.

"Because North Korea and Iran are not in compliance with the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty," Secretary Gates said on CBS' "Face the Nation," "for them, all bets are off. All options are on the table."
"We were concerned about the biological weapons," Secretary Gates said. "And that's why we were very clear in the Nuclear Posture Review that if we see states developing biological weapons that we begin to think endanger us or create serious concerns, [the president] reserves the right to revise this policy."


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U.S. 'All options open' on Iran-N.Korea Nukes
Wednesday, 14 April 2010

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