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Obama has to kill Patriot Act to survive as President

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The U.S. Presidency is falling into a trap laid by 'secret' zionist linked agencies that has infiltrated the CIA, FBI, Homeland Security and other intelligence agencies of the super power. The next move of these infiltrators is to force the White House to make a mistake in mishandling the security situation in a bid to remove Obama as President.

It is not too long to come for the U.S. to be crippled by its own paranoia of terrorism that it will ban people with Muslim names or names that sounds and look like that of people on the terror lists of the Homeland security. It will also fall into the trap that is being laid by people within the U.S. and within its own 'security' and 'spying' agencies and trust me it is not surprising if these people are supported by Israel or the ultra's of the Zionist movement.


It is more than obvious that the U.S. cannot count on its security and spy agencies today. Since 911 – which saw the definitive participation of U.S. agencies in the destruction of the twin towers and the attack on the Pentagon – the intelligence agencies of the U.S. have gone through a sudden transformation. They have been infiltrated by groups and by individuals with a certain agenda and these agendas are not to protect the U.S.

Failing to stop the Delta Airlines attack – which I would consider as being a pre-planned attack by the agencies that are supposed to protect the U.s. - is a blow to the U.S. and is also a blow to President Barack Husein Obama. Obama has now entered into alliance with the criminals who plotted, started and who manage to bring him to believe that a continuation of the wars against Muslims will help the U.S. in the long and short run. The blow to Obama is clear. As President he does not have sufficient control of the intelligence agencies under his Presidency and he is not capable of protecting the Americans from such attacks if he is not the person who can reign in the 'rogue' elements of the CIA, the FBI, the Homeland Security and the NSA as well as the National Intelligence Agency.

This means a lot for a country like the U.S. since no one can survive as President of that country if that person does not have absolute and total control of the 'intelligence' departments and agencies. This lack of power leaves the President vulnerable to hastily taken decisions on 'security' as it altogether isolate the White House from the 'intelligence' agencies with the hasty decision from the Presidency. This indicates to the agencies that their role is limited, not appreciated and being circumvented by the presidency. It simply leads the country into the wrong direction and we are now seeing the White House running the 'security' of the U.S. to the extent on deciding what measures should be taken and why profiling should be carried out on U.S. destined flights.

The next wrong move by the White House will be another failure to contain an attack at any airports or U.S. flights and this will clearly mean the White House, its advisors and the President himself would have failed the country. It is bound to happen soon with too many elements and people already working on secret plans to 'remove' Obama as president of the U.S.

They need to see the White House being blamed for a future attack that would have been stopped if the 'intelligence' agencies, the National Intelligence Agency and the Homeland Security were given the upper hand over the CIA and FBI in the fight against terror. This is what the Presidency of Obama is battling against since George W. Bush left the White House with a cancer eating deep inside the intelligence community of the U.S. The Bush regime, with Dick Cheney as Vice President meddling in the affairs of the intelligence departments and agencies and the forceful creation of the Homeland Security has left the latter agency acting as the power that be over the heads of the CIA-FBI and other agencies since 911. This has disrupted the generally straight forward work of the CIA in particular. Another ill left behind by the Bush administration is the fact that the CIA was used as tool to launch illegal wars against Muslim states. The elements used by the Bush regime has left a definite impact on the CIA and the FBI, indicating to other members of the agencies that it was alright to feed lies, deceit and wrongful information to the Presidency and the Obama war cabinet in a bid to advance the 'causes' of the groups and individuals that has infiltrated the agencies.

In the U.S. critics are urging the President to remove the heads of the agencies but they did not tell the people with who these heads and other officers blamed for the 'Nigerian' attack on the Delta flight will be replaced. The entire scenario of the Delta flight attack now look like a plot to remove some officers and heads of the intelligence department in view of getting other subordinates who are members of the 'secret' groups that are undermining the U.S. to become head of these agencies or hold virtually important posts within these agencies. What Obama has to do in order to salvage his Presidency is to banish the Homeland Security Agency, kill the Patriot Act and totally overhaul the CIA and the FBI.

But is he capable of doing that? I do not see the current administration of Obama doing so since its own cabinet is filled with infiltrators who jumped from the Bush cabinet and are today in high posts. They are the obstacles to the Obama administration as well as Hilary Clinton who is seen as the person who can and will eventually replace Obama if the plot by the secret Zionist infiltrators in the CIA-FBI-Homeland Security have the upper hand in their game plan.

Hence to carry out the entire revamp of the security agencies of the U.S., Obama has to fire Robert Gates, Hilary Clinton and a few other 'mouth pieces' of their masters voices. If the Obama regime is incapable of doing that, fearing political backlash in 4 years time, then the presidency will not have to wait for 4 years to be eliminated from the White House.

What I mean is the whole Delta attack is a part of a massive plan – the like we have not seen since President John Kennedy was in the White House – and is even bigger in perspective and impacts than the plot that led to the Bush election in 2000 and the obvious 911 events. It will then be up to the Americans to think and think well before they condemn the Muslims for the Delta Air attack and for future attacks since plots are being crafted within the current Obama regime to bring down the Obama regime with the use of 'terror' as the main 'enemy'.



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In Bahasa Melayu:

MOSCOW - Majlis Mufti Rusia kelmarin sebulat suara menyatakan bahawa ayat suci al-Quran yang muncul dua kali seminggu pada kulit Ali Yakubov iaitu seorang bayi lelaki berusia sembilan bulan di wilayah Dagestan, selatan Rusia merupakan amaran tuhan kepada semua penduduk Islam di Rusia dan Dagestan.


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