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  • WW2 Conference Declaration at Kuala Lumpur

    Here's the complete declaration made by the organizers of the World War II and the Rise of Multilateralism conference at Kuala Lumpur City Center Convention Center, Malaysia on May 13. Let it be served as a guideline for a step further towards peace.

    Malaysia's Deputy Foreign Affairs Minister A. Kohilan Pillay (R) with Kazi Mahmood (L), President Wfol.tv
  • WW2 Conference: Wfol.tv statement

    Barbara Tuchman a World War historian has called World War I a “burnt path across history.” Other thinkers have labeled World War 2 the ‘Apocalypse’. Both events were so wide-ranging and compelling that they affected a broad cross section of the world’s population.

  • Afghan War: Singapore in Take Over of Bases

    The Dutch mission in the Afghan province of Uruzgan, which is due to end in August, is likely to be taken over by the US army. Commander of the Dutch Armed Forces Peter van Uhm told a late night talk show in the Netherlands that Singapore will join the Americans in Uruzgan. NATO still has to approve the US move.

  • Greece Will Cut Defense Budget: Minister

    -[T]here have been reports that, behind closed doors, Paris has urged Athens to sign a deal to spend 2.5 billion euros on French-built frigates and Berlin has demanded quick payment for a fleet of submarines.

  • Russia Sells Syria Warplanes: Official

    MOSCOW: Russia is supplying Syria with warplanes, armored vehicles and air defense systems under existing contracts, ITAR-Tass News Agency quoted the head of the country's state military agency as saying.

U.S. Guided Missile Destroyer Docks At Baltic Sea

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-Laboon conducted port visits in the Baltic Sea region after participating in the independent certification event Joint Warrior 10-1, a semi-annual exercise that encompasses multinational and multi-warfare evolutions designed to improve interoperability between allied navies and prepares engaged crews to execute combined operations during deployment.
ABOARD USS LABOON, At Sea: Sailors aboard the guided missile destroyer USS Laboon (DDG 58) set sail to return to their homeport of Norfolk, Va., May 5, after port visits to countries of the Baltic Sea region.

Laboon is heading home after conducting theater security cooperation (TSC) port visits to Tallinn, Estonia and Helsinki, Finland following the ship's participation in the United Kingdom-led, multinational exercise Joint Warrior 10-1 off the coast of Scotland.

Cmdr. Donald Donegan, Laboon's commanding officer, expressed satisfaction with the port visit to Finland, where he had the opportunity to host Finnish military and government officials aboard Laboon.

"It was an excellent visit and a great opportunity to cooperate and engage with our Finnish allies," said Donegan.

During the transit from Tallinn to Helsinki, Laboon hosted more than 20 distinguished visitors, including Ambassador Bruce J. Oreck, United States Ambassador to Finland, for the three-hour transit to Helsinki.

The embarked guests watched Laboon depart the Port of Tallinn and took tours of the ship.

Laboon's visit, board, search and seizure (VBSS) team suited up in their gear to demonstrate the ship's maritime interdiction operations capabilities.
Laboon conducted port visits in the Baltic Sea region after participating in the independent certification event Joint Warrior 10-1, a semi-annual exercise that encompasses multinational and multi-warfare evolutions designed to improve interoperability between allied navies and prepares engaged crews to execute combined operations during deployment.

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