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  • British marine killed in Afghanistan

    LONDONZ: Another British marine was killed in Afghanistan on Wednesday, taking the country's military death toll in the war-torn country to 303. The marine was the fourth from 40 Commando Royal Marines to die in four days, during a week that saw the British toll in Afghanistan pass 300.

  • Iran opposes U.S. troops in Armenia

    Iran will not allow a United States-led military force to be deployed in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict zone that immediately borders on its territory, according to the Islamic Republic’s chief diplomat in Armenia.

  • NATO toll in Afghanistan hits 70 in June

    KABUL: A NATO soldier was killed in a bomb attack in Afghanistan on Wednesday, the military said, taking to 70 the number of foreign troops who have died in the troubled nation so far this month.

  • Nato shaken by McChrystal dismissal

    London - Senior figures inside the Nato alliance are warning that the possible dismissal of General Stanley McChrystal as commander of the mission in Afghanistan could destabilise the international effort at a difficult time.

  • Obama angered over War Cabinet Infighting

    US President Barack Obama today sternly warned senior members of his war cabinet and top military brass against "pettiness" and infighting after firing General Stanley McChrystal.

Who Is Your God? A Banned Song in S. Africa

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A song composed and produced in protest against the human rights atrocities committed against the people of Gaza and Palestine and injustices committed all over the world where people have been forcibly removed from their land on the basis of being different or having different beliefs. The song questions the religious beliefs of those who kill others and justify their inhumane actions on the basis of religion, questioning the one who kills an innocent woman or child and asking why they are doing it and if they think we have different Gods. The song promotes the ideal of creating a better place for all where we can acknowledge and respect each others' differences, but more importantly we can turn our focus on how alike we are and start accepting that we all, as part of the human race, have the same claim to basic human rights such as land, shelter, medical care, love, education, employment, water, food. Let us stop hating, killing, humiliating each other and start loving each other as prescribed in the Torah, Bible and Quran. Would you like your family and children to be abused, humiliated and hurt? If not, then join us in a spiritual revolution of breaking the chain of ignorance, prejudice, war, crime, oppression, exploitation and media whose sole purpose it is to keep us from seeing the truth. Spread the message and help us to build peace instead of war, love instead of hate, safety instead of crime and abuse, education instead of illiteracy, creativity to promote mankind instead of technology aimed to mentally, emotionally and spiritually enslave us, start thinking

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Who Is Your God? A Banned Song in S. Africa
Wednesday, 28 October 2009

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