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  • Russia Should Not Play By NATO's Rules

    Today, relations between Russia and the West focus mainly on the “reset,” as well as cooperation on modernization and Western investments in Russia. This is a welcome change from the Cold War rhetoric of the past years under the administration of President George W. Bush. But unfortunately, we are not seeing real, substantive changes in the West’s approach to Russia. The glossy images of Presidents Barack Obama and Dmitry Medvedev smiling, eating hamburgers together and slapping each other on the back are good photo ops, but they remain superficial.

  • NATO Deploys Submarine To Indian Ocean

    On the Alliance’s request, the Netherlands has agreed to deploy a submarine as part of multinational efforts to combat piracy off the east coast of Africa, from the Gulf of Aden – one of the busiest global shipping routes – to the Indian Ocean. The submarine will be used to monitor communication between pirate vessels and their warlords on shore, helping to curtail the hijacking of commercial ships for ransoms worth millions in US dollars.

  • 11,700 Afghan-Bound Containers "Go Missing"

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  • 100 Nato Soldiers Died in June

    KABUL: A total of 100 foreign soldiers fighting the Taliban in Afghanistan have died in June, the deadliest month for NATO in nine years of conflict, intensifying concerns about the conduct of the war.

  • Taliban Extends Influence: Report

    Kabul - Afghanistan's Taliban militants are expanding their influence further into regions outside their traditional power base, the Afghanistan Analysts Network (AAN) said.

Redstone Arsenal develops 'space' technology

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HUNTSVILLE, AL: There are a lot of rooms that look like these on Redstone Arsenal: Erasable whiteboards tattooed with formulas and diagrams, racks of equipment with switches and glowing numbers, ergonomic office chairs in front of dozens of computer keyboards and flat screens ...
In this particular suite of rooms, the furnishings and infrastructure have just been unpacked and connected. This is the Army Space and Missile Defense Command's new Concepts Analysis Lab, officially opened this week.

It's one place where SMDC is identifying and exploring emerging technology and ideas to see whether they're worth pursuing to develop new tools to help warfighters around the globe.

It's also where they are developing future ranks of engineers and researchers.

"It's really key to growing our work force," said Debra Wymer, director of SMDC's Test and Warfighter Solutions Center.
Engineering students don't sit around dreaming of hours spent in conference rooms or preparing briefings, he said. "When I got the opportunity to get into a lab environment and do more hands-on, I jumped at it."

Nash tries to keep the student researchers out of meetings and makes sure they get "real" work while at the lab.

"There's a whole different culture down here that we've tried to instill," he said.
Today, the spacious, new CAL has about 20 student workers in the summer months and about eight through the school year, Nash said. Those from the local colleges can more easily juggle work and school at the same time during the fall and spring, but SMDC gets students from all over the country, including the military academies.

He said they've gotten a boost from the Department of Defense SMART Scholarship - Science, Mathematics And Research for Transformation - which pays students a full scholarship, stipend, insurance, and more to encourage science and technology studies.

Stephanie Cleveland of Geraldine, who'll turn 21 in about a week, is a SMART scholar in the lab, where she's been an intern for three years. She had planned to be a doctor, but her math interest and skills led her to major in electrical engineering at the University of Alabama in Huntsville, where she'll graduate next May.

"Right now, I've been working on a lot of medical research," she said, explaining her SMDC duties. Cleveland's looking at mammograms, at how the cancer hides in the imagery.

"We're hoping to transition that into radar images, looking for missiles in clutter," she said. "It's kind of the same principle."

When Cleveland first heard about the chance to work for the government, she assumed it would be filing and running errands.

"I actually get to do real work," she said. "I get to work on projects by myself, and I think that's really cool. ...

"I plan on staying here."

Mark Ray stayed. It had been his goal to work for Alabama Power, but the lab experience changed his mind.

"They started giving me real things to do, and it progressed," he said, pausing from his work in the CAL's new "clean room." Eventually, the SMDC will build prototypes and equipment destined for orbit here.

"It's interesting and challenging work, something that you don't do everywhere," he said.

Ray, 25, of Anniston, was a co-op student in the lab and has earned a master's in electrical engineering from Auburn University. He is now lead engineer for further development of the portable ground station for SMDC-ONE, the Army's experimental nanosatellite expected to ride into orbit this year.

"They're already designing modifications to what we've received from the contractor. And they're looking at the next-generation design, trying to do that in-house," Nash said.

"This has been the best job I could have ever hoped for," Ray said. "It's been great."

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