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  • 4 more Nato soldiers dies in Afghanistan

    Three Americans and a British soldier died in fighting Friday in southern Afghanistan, raising to 34 the number of U.S. troops killed in the war so far this month.

  • Iraq powerless against foreign attacks

    Former Iraqi Prime Minister Ayad Allawi said in an interview with CNN that Iraq is powerless to respond to foreign military strikes, such as those by Turkey and Iran, because Iraq has no army, no air force, and no clear foreign policy.

  • World Condemns Nuclear Threats

    Despite the global economic crisis, the world-wide military budget, money for killing, far outstrips other budgetary concerns, while countries ignore the most pressing human problems. All forms of life on earth are threatened by nuclear destruction from stockpiles of arms whose explosive power could destroy the entire planet hundreds of times over. The strategy of nuclear aggression is still a grim reality.

  • U.S. Armada at China Doorstep

    More and more Chinese citizens are incensed that the United States and South Korea will hold joint military drills in the Yellow Sea at the end of this month. The feelings of Chinese people must be respected if the United States sincerely wishes to safeguard the stability and prosperity of the western Pacific.

  • Afghan minerals may reach 3 trillion dollars

    -"The new findings show that there are five new oil and gas blocks in Afghanistan. The biggest of them is the Afghan-Tajik basin in the province of Kunduz. We'll put this up for tender next year."

When China Opens Up, Investors Make Fortunes

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As part of the agreement, this tiny company will ship equipment and technology -- including their new "full-wave" system -- right into the heart China's shale movement...
And work exclusively with the Chinese to start exploring their shale fields.

Says the CEO of this tiny firm: "This transaction will create [a company] capable of seizing high-value opportunities in the fastest-growing geophysical markets."
As you can imagine, it's not just in the oil and gas arena that China is lacking expertise...

So to understand the true potential of what happens when China opens its doors, you need only go back a couple years...

And witness what happened when China first opened its gold industry to foreign mining firms...

You may have read that China is the single greatest buyer of gold in the world today -- singlehandedly, some say, supporting gold's huge bull run.

But you might not know that China's Ministry of Land and Resources completely rewrote the country's mining laws to encourage exploration and production of domestic gold.

In a move very similar to the energy deal they just signed with Obama, China allowed a small group of western mining firms into the country to help produce their vast gold reserves.

There was El Dorado Gold, a tiny Canadian company that partnered with state-run Sino Gold to open mines in Jinfeng and White Mountain, China.

In just the past 18 months, El Dorado is up 250%.

There was Jinshan Gold Mines, another Canadian company, which helped China National Gold develop a huge mine in north China.

It's up nearly 1,000% in the same period.

The list goes on and on...

* Entree Gold -- up 528%

* Centerra Gold -- up 966%

* Continental Minerals -- up 348%

* Minco Gold -- up 521%

All in less than two years.

Still, as impressive as these gains have been, that's nothing compared to what could go down in China's shale fields...

As the country mobilizes on a resource far more valuable.  dailywealth.com

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