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China must reform or die: Chinese General

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A Chinese two-star general has warned his conservative Communist Party masters and firebrand People's Liberation Army colleagues that China must either embrace US-style democracy or accept Soviet-style collapse.
As officers of similar rank rattle their sabres against US aircraft carriers in the Yellow and South China seas, General Liu Yazhou says China's rise depends on adopting America's system of government rather than challenging its dominance off China's eastern coast.

''If a system fails to let its citizens breathe freely and release their creativity to the maximum extent, and fails to place those who best represent the system and its people into leadership positions, it is certain to perish,'' writes General Liu Yazhou in Hong Kong's Phoenix magazine, which is widely available on news stands and on the internet throughout China.The fact of General Liu's article suggests China's political and ideological struggles are more lively than commonly thought, ahead of a rotation of leaders in the Central Military Commission and then the Politburo in 2012.

''The secret of US success is neither Wall Street nor Silicon Valley, but its long-surviving rule of law and the system behind it,'' he says. ''The American system is said to be 'designed by genius and for the operation of the stupid'.

''A bad system makes a good person behave badly while a good system makes a bad person behave well. Democracy is the most urgent thing, without it there can be no sustainable rise.''

General Liu was promoted recently from deputy political commissar of the PLA Air Force to political commissar of the National Defence University. His father was a senior military officer and his father-in-law was Li Xiannian, one of Chinese communism's ''Eight Immortals'' - and a one-time president of China.

While many of China's ''princelings'' have exploited their revolutionary names to amass wealth and power, General Liu has exploited his pedigree to provide protection to push his contrarian and reformist views.

But General Liu's latest writings are extraordinary by any standards. His article urges China to shift its strategic focus from the country's developed coastal areas, including Hong Kong and Taiwan - ''the renminbi belt'' - towards resource-rich Central Asia.

But he argues that China will never have strategic reach by relying on wealth alone. ''A nation that is mindful only of the power of money is a backward and stupid nation,'' he writes. ''What we could believe in is the power of the truth.

''The truth is knowledge and knowledge is power.''

But such national power can only come with political transformation. ''In the coming 10 years, a transformation from power politics to democracy will inevitably take place,'' he says.

General Liu inverts the lesson that Chinese politicians have traditionally drawn from the collapse of the Soviet Union - that it was caused by too much political reform - by arguing that reform arrived too late.

Since 2008 the Communist Party has steadily tightened the political screws to stifle dissent.

Many Chinese are concerned that reforms have been blocked by powerful military, security, corporate and family groups that benefit from the status quo.

General Liu was famously outspoken until he stopped publishing his essays about five years ago.

It is unclear how his latest article appeared and whether he has backing within the system.

Last year Hong Kong's Open magazine published a leaked report of one of General Liu's internal speeches which raised the taboo topic of how some generals refused to lead troops into Tiananmen Square in 1989.

General Liu returned to the subject of Tiananmen in his Phoenix article, saying ''a nationwide riot'' was caused by the incompatibility of traditional power structures with reform.

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China must reform or die: Chinese General
Thursday, 12 August 2010

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Photos: Al-Quraan Writing On Baby's Body

A strange phenomenon in Russia. A baby is born with the writings of the Holy Islamic Book, the Al-Quraan; seen on his body. It is on his arms and legs. The baby is Ali Yakubov and his special body marks has shocked the nurses, the medical experts in Russia.

This has sparked a series of comments from people to the extent that a Mufti in Russia stated that the phenomenon is a warning to the Muslims in Dagestan, where the baby is located.

The markings appeared twice on the baby's body and dissappears instantly as if they were never there, leaving no traces. They are not 'tatoos' as some would believe since the doctors and nurses saw with their own eyes how the writings appears and dissappears.

This has made Ali a very special baby indeed in Dagestan.

In Bahasa Melayu:

MOSCOW - Majlis Mufti Rusia kelmarin sebulat suara menyatakan bahawa ayat suci al-Quran yang muncul dua kali seminggu pada kulit Ali Yakubov iaitu seorang bayi lelaki berusia sembilan bulan di wilayah Dagestan, selatan Rusia merupakan amaran tuhan kepada semua penduduk Islam di Rusia dan Dagestan.


Menurut kenyataan majlis itu, mengikuti perintah Allah dan meninggalkan segala persengketaan, mewujudkan keamanan sesama umat Islam dan dengan jiran, membersihkan diri daripada dosa dan mula mengamalkan prinsip kejiranan selain bermaaf-maafan menyebabkan penduduk Islam di negara tersebut akan mendapat keampunan Allah.

Menurut beberapa laporan, ibu bapa Ali yang tinggal di bandar Kizlyar di wilayah Dagestandan kalangan imam tempatan mendakwa ayat suci al-Quran itu muncul pada hari Isnin dan Jumaat sebelum hilang dan digantikan dengan ayat baru.

Salah satu ayat itu bermaksud: "Allah ialah Pencipta segala yang ada.".

Apabila ayat suci seterusnya muncul, Ali tidak dapat tidur sepanjang malam dan mengalami demam dengan kepanasan badannya tidak dapat dikurangkan walaupun dengan menggunakan ubat-ubatan kuat.

Semasa dia dilahirkan, Ali didapati menghidap penyakit jantung dan berkaitan dengan otak tetapi dia sembuh sepenuhnya selepas ayat al-Quran
mula muncul pada tubuhnya. - Agensi




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Watch Video Here

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