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Pentagon Report Admits Taliban Powerful

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Recently Pentagon, the American ministry of defense,  has released 150-pages report about the growing resistance and influence of the Afghan Mujahideen.
The report says,  the Kabul surrogate administration maintains its writ in 29 districts out of 121 districts -- which are of paramount strategic importance, for being key terrain for the stabilization of  the country. The report reveals,  the Islamic Emirate influence has been expanding unremittingly and that

the  Karzai government control is limited to 25% in these area.  The report further says, 2009 was the most successful year for Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate in terms of their extending  influence in the country in this period. A 87% increase has been seen in  overall attacks and ambushes of the Mujahideen.

The Pentagon military officers-cum-analysts admit that Mujahideen’s  tactics are increasing in sophistication and broadness. They are now  using complicated methods. The report admits,  Mujahideen would never be vanquished completely but instead efforts be made to contain them  in order to prevent Karzai government from being ousted.

These are the admissions and statements of a superpower,  the president of which  W. Bush,  had said in 2001 that if we find our enemy  in caves in Afghanistan, we will smoke them out and  any one  who chooses to confront America, in fact, digs his grave with his own hands. Today ground realities in Afghanistan indicate  that the enemy and  the surrogate administration are ensconced in   hide-outs and besieged bases. The Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate  have a tangible presence in 80% of  the country.

This achievement has not become a reality  out of nothing but has a solid foundation behind. The reason is that the aspirations and manifesto of the Islamic Emirate  truly reflect the  aspirations of the people and  they  are exactly alike.  The people know that the Mujahideen of  the  Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan   are  protecting   their Islamic, national , cultural and social values and wants.  Similarly, this  achievement  is not the result of any coercion or economic incentives  at the hand of the Mujahideen.   Contrarily. The enemy has both  military might and material means . In the past nine years, they have used both their military power and material incentives to achieve  their target. However,  ironically , they have failed.

We remind the invading enemy that  the reason for your failure is that you have imposed a  corrupt administration on the people of Afghanistan; your have invaded  the country, Afghanistan and  deprived the people of their independence  and national sovereignty. You have put thousands of innocent Afghans behind  the bars in  Guangtanamo, Bagram, Pulli-Charkhi, Kandahar and other open and secret jails. You have turned Afghanistan into the cobweb of CIA network;  you carry out  night raids  on people’s houses  and martyr defenseless Afghans, and you bombard wedding and funeral ceremonies.  Your grip on the country will keep reducing unless and until you put an end to your aggression and stop torturing and martyring the miserable Afghans, and  leave   the land of the Afghans to the Afghans themselves.

A day will certainly  reach when you will have no way except escape and humiliation. Time and situation are both against you. You have to hear this with your ears opened. The more you stay in Afghanistan, the more you will lose your credibility. It is in your interest and in the interest of the whole region to pull your forces out of Afghanistan.

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Pentagon Report Admits Taliban Powerful
Monday, 07 June 2010

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